Character Profile – Psycho

Name – Urag

Race – half elf-ork

Age – 28

As a child I burned down my family home by mistake, I always blamed it on the demon I had living inside my head, though at the time I didn’t really believe it. That was until I was dropped off at the asylum for mentally ill children, I had to go as my father had grown tired of the fire starting and wanted me to go somewhere else and set them (which I did) and he also didn’t want me to be known as part of the family, so he made the doctor’s call me “Urag” and so I decided to stick with it.

I set many fires while I was there, I still blamed I on the demon in my head, no one believed me of course but I kept insisting it was the demon. I was 11 when I was dropped off there and by my 15th birthday I started being able to understand who this demon was. He never told me his name but he did explain that he was the better half of me and wanted to take over. I explained that I wasn’t going to do this willingly and decided I would make him a compromise, that I get to go about my business and sometimes when I go a little angry or felt an impulse to kill them I would let him out and decide what the best course of action he thought be to deal with the situation. He agreed, and so every time I felt angry or murderous he came out to deal with the situation. Every solution he came up with was to murder or burn and torture “the annoyances” but we got along fine.

Though the doctors weren’t too pleased with the amount of bodies they had to clean up so they eventually tried to “take care” of me. Four of them took me outside, rope round my neck so I couldn’t run. They carried knives ready to gut me when we were far enough away for anyone to hear my screams, however what they didn’t know was that I had planned for this and had hidden a sharpened rock in my shoe. We stopped in a clearing and when they checked to make sure they hadn’t been followed, I bent down got out the rock and went for the biggest one’s neck, I then took his knife and proceeded “take care” of the others. I then took this opportunity to find out new methods of which people feel pain and find out the innards of the different species that were the doctors. After this I made my way into the wilderness, in which I spent the next 8 years.

One during my fifth year in the wilderness I found a farm-house with a donkey called “Ulises” and I really wanted it but the farmer said “no”. So I decided to let him talk to my other half and he complied, of course he did have to lose a leg, but I mean I was hungry. Ulises and I got along great, he was a lot different from the other donkey’s I had encountered because he could talk. He is so sarcastic and always a good laugh.

Three years later me and Ulises were wandering through a wood when we came across a man, a clerk, walking with two men wearing the same outfits as the doctors that tried to kill me all those years ago. So, me thinking that he too was going to be killed by them I jumped out a stabbed them. The clerk turned around and I said, “no need to thank me” that was when he told me he wasn’t in any danger and these men were his consorts from the asylum and were heading back to his place of practise.  I apologised immediately and asked if he could help me, as I had been meaning to “change” my ways as a homicidal spit personality mental patient and want to find out more about the gods.

That was when he told me about them and I found out about his god which sounded like a great guy to worship, though he then mentioned a god of death and destruction, which lit up my other half’s mind like a match being struck. And so I have been hanging around with him from now on as the muscle, and have been trying to find out more about the two gods I want to worship.

Player Engagement

So you have your player and you have your player character, but they are having a bit of difficulty getting involved in the role play. Maybe they haven’t done it before and or they have difficulty around other people. Or it may be that the group are having trouble connecting, there’s are all problems that most groups have the first tom around. Now there are various ways to deal with this and most of the can be quite fun. Now when your starting out it’s probably a good idea to take a session just to hangout try watching a film together this is a good way to spend time together. Spending three hours in a room together is also a pretty god way of telling you won’t get sick of them during a game. Another way to deal with this is just play a game together, something like cards against humanity or exploding kittens, these are games that always have a numerous outcome and cards against humanity is particularly good at this because if you can say some of the outrageous stuff you shouldn’t have a problem role-playing.

Now the other problem, is people having difficulty role-playing this can be quite difficult to deal with it is either can be shyness or they just find it hard to role play I have two techniques that could be used to sort this the first option will let them build confidence, it’s a game called Everyone is John this is a role play game where you take over a character and while trying to complete a goal with two other players trying to do the same thing. You have to play the game in character it can be daunting but there are fewer people so makes it easier to get into. The other option is to have a one to one session sessions like these can be good to build confidence and a player will have more one to one time with a Gm which is always beneficial. In the next post we will begin to cover combat